Mission and Vision


On 25th May 1947, Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Lovingly called as Swami, Bhagwan) in a comprehensive letter to His brother Seshama Raju, outlined His Mission and Purpose of His Advent. A pertinent excerpt reads as follows (free translation from Telugu original):
I have a task: To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of bliss.
I have a vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path again into goodness and save them.
I am attached to the work that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack.
I have a reason to be proud, for I rescue all who worship and adore me.
I will not give up my mission, nor my determination.
I know I will carry them out.

(Source: srisathyasai.org)


Swami always says “Your Life is My Message” , “ Let the mind constantly contemplate on God through prayers and the hands constantly serve the needy and poor”.
At Sai Samarpan we strive to make our lives worthy of His Vision and Mission in whatever small way we can in the society. Our initial mission is to carry on the work as given to us by Swami in areas of Spiritual Growth (Sadhana) in activities like bhajans, study circles, spiritual discourses and rituals on a regular basis and Service to Society and Humanity in the form food service, donations – in cash and materials as needed from time to time to various organizations like Operation Friendship, Edmonton Food Bank, Bissell Centre, Hope Mission, Mustard Seed, Red Cross etc., and other international disaster relief funds.


“Let Me take care of all your business. I shall be the one who will think about them. I am waiting for nothing else than your surrender to Me, and then you do not have to worry any more about anything. Say farewell to all fears and discouragement. Stop being anxious ! I always think of you, but I can help you completely only when you rely fully on Me I shall guide you only if you completely surrender to Me. And when I must lead you on a different path than the one that you expect, I carry you in My arms.”
— Sri Sathya Sai Baba—
(Extract from Surrender Prayer)

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