Spiritual Wing
The spiritual wing of Sai Samarpan helps one to tread on the pathway to God through Devotional Path / Bhakthi Marg. Our Spiritual activities include devotional singing in groups, mantra chantings ( Rudram & Chamakam, Hanuman Chalisa, Ramayan etc) study circles (group discussions on spiritual matters and topics), Spiritual lectures, meditation, yoga etc. and other spiritual rituals like havan, which guide the aspirant / Sadhaka Godward.
Service Wing
The service wing helps one to fulfill Swami’s Mission – “ Service to Man is Service to God”.
This helps each one of us to achieve self realization through Karma Yoga (Path of Action). Some of the activities currently undertaken by the society are – Donating to Food Bank (Edmonton) and providing voluntary services at the food bank as and when required by our members, preparing lunch packets for The Operation friendship center (Edmonton), etc. we will be adding more service activities in the near future as we grow.